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The Unfolding Identity of Britain Challenges and Reflections

Fabian Ukaegbu 14th Jun 2024 10:39:20  0

As keen observers of Britain’s evolution, we ponder the path this great nation treads. Baseless arguments, shifting sentiments, and deviations from tradition raise critical questions: What lies ahead? How will radicalization shape Britain’s destiny? There is a critical need for compassion, empathy, and nuance understanding for a prosperous Britain for the next generation.

The Echoes of Questions

Since time immemorial, questions have echoed across the British landscape. And some of these questions have produced answers which govern what we now call the developed world. In contrast, today’s Prime Minister is ever so happy to shout down what he considers to be dissent even though most are reasonable questions from other honorable members. Yet, with each turn, our social fabric tightens, and citizens bear the weight of unjustified bills under the watchful eye of the Ombudsmen. Meanwhile, the Bus Service, once a lifeline, consumes more time than viable alternatives, leaving Bus Drivers caught in the web of routine timetables.

Templates and Transparency

The United Kingdom, seemingly straightforward to govern, boasts a legacy of templates. From the NHS and Social Services (since 1948) to Housing and prisons (since 1955), Home and Foreign affairs (since 1960) find their place alongside educational and recreational templates (since 1970 or earlier). These frameworks shaped our society and were copied by a host of other liberal democracies. But how well have these blueprints sustained our nation? Are our current administrations (Whitehall officials) transparent stewards of these templates?

Referendums and Uncharted Waters

The Maastricht Treaty of 1992, Devolution in 1997, and the Amsterdam Treaty’s Single Europe (also 1997) thrust Britain into international currents. In 2014, the issues that fuelled the Referendum were known to our leaders – the Prime Minister and the opposition leader. Tactical diplomacy could have edged out unwanted aspects of Europeanization, yet the Torys who were in charge chose the Referendum path. The result? A truth laid bare, but what else?

The Chasm Between Government and People

Our government drifts far from the people it serves. Services clash in a cacophony of divided interests. Banks retreat - closing branches, hinting at unseen forces. Service industries wane, and even the once-efficient Ombudsmen falter. Ring any office, and an AI assistant’s response with monotonic accents is hardly eligible let alone solving your problems – a stark contrast to the vast unemployment awaiting transformation.

Beyond Fine: Post-Brexit Imperatives

Amidst the ubiquitous “fine,” Britain faces a post-Brexit imperative. We must turn inward, rationalize, and mobilize every citizen to contribute. The goodwill of yesteryears wanes, and mere money won’t suffice. The Future of Britain: A Policy Perspective a book I published in August 2006 (chapters 1-3) calls for transformative action and is now so prophetic is unreal. EU Article 50 lacked a foundation for Brexit – no need for another referendum. Instead, let governors and governed stand united for the tasks ahead. Many people find it hard to believe that complex, apparently goal-directed processes can be the result of many independent actors making decisions based on both short- and long-term considerations.

Britishness Reconsidered

The bridge block and fire engine of the 2015 referendum – our “Britishness” – has hatched its eggs like lice. Now, as a collective, we face the challenge. The solution lies not across the Channel but within our hearts. How do we stand? Let that be our compass.