This book is not assuming that you cannot pray but that making answerable prayer requires a lot of preparation. The aim of the book is to prepare you to make answerable prayer. The primary aim is not the "prayer" (act) but the "Prayer" (actor). The Prayer is one, who prays. His mood, state, manner, clarity, specificity and purity of conscience determine the outcome of his prayer. This book is concerned with private sowing into one's life. Prepared (fasted privately) and worked in the public such that people marvelled at Jesus' practice. If the new era requires preparation for what will happen, this book is about grooming and producing ambassadors of faith in God. If my church is the word of God, learning to pray is an art that helps me to manage my prayer effectively. Where does the word of God have effect? Most certainly it is in my mind and wherever I am, it is my mind that is most required in worshipping God. Consider attending the temple since 437BC and what the world became from it. As you go through this book, watch what triggered relationship between God and some people mentioned herein. They were not roaming souls but people who heard and tried what they heard and believed. This book lays foundation in your mind to trigger such hidden talent in you that would bring you nearer to your Creator "the ever-running spring".
Like going to churches, some people have been searching for "that very prayer", which once said, automatically opens the gates of favours to them. Of course, such prayers exist (see chapter 11) but has path to it. In 1994, I researched: The Future of Nigeria and detailed the path to happier nation; chapter 9 of it detailed financial prosperity. Guess what happened, the government jumped chapters 1-8 (preparations) to chapter 9. Without preparation, did it gain by jumping? If God exists, there is a path to him. What this book is trying to do is: produce such unique souls as Moses and Jeremiah, who though stammers were able to communicate with God.
Many people may say the same prayers in a day but received no answer. The books: "The Missing Dimensions of Heaven", "The Four Gospels Reconciled", "One-to-One with God", The Collapse of the church" , "The Exposition of the Bible", etc show God's work-in-motion for the willing heart. The mustard seed, how will it happen to you? We provided samples of prayers God, Abraham, Elijah; Jesus said, in preparation to add on; prayer is an undertaking for the willing heart.
Table Of Contents
- Preface
- Equity at work ..........i
- To Pray? ..........v
- Why do we pray? ..........v
- Communication manner matters
- The Great Barriers .........vii
- Let us consider sin ..........viii
- Private Vigil ..........xii
- Introduction ..........xiii
How did the Bible make out its case? ..........xv
- What is life, what is the world? ..........xvi
- Why you should use this book? .........xvii
- The Person ..........xix
- The use of Psalms ..........xx
- The use of the Rosary or Intercessor ..........xx
- How will it happen to you? .........xxi
- Pilgrim on Erath (Jurisprudence) ..........xxii
- Chapter 1 ................
- What is prayer? ..........1
- The Bible and Prayer ..........3
- Is it to Religion or to God? .........4
- Hijacked Prayer ..........5
- Mind ..........8
- Where to Pray? ..........11
- Language of Prayer ..........13
- Positioning for Prayer ...........14
- Prayer Point ..........15
- Born-Again ..........17
- Transforming and dealing with God .........20
- Covenant .........22
- Acknowledgment .........25
- Divine Alert ........26
- Intercession ..........27
- Test of Abraham?s faith ..........28
- Message of the faithful ...........28
- Mentor-Marriage ...........29
- Being man or woman ...........30
- Family power ..........31
- Quality of love ..........32
- Answer to God ..........34
- Obedience ..........35
- Swear ..........35
- Deception ..........36
- Passion ...........36
- Covenant & prayer ..........37
- Time runs in patience and justice ..........37
- The state of urgency ..........38
- Communion ..........38
- Temptation ...........41
- Born-again ...........42
- Seeking the way & the truth ...........43
- The truth about Joseph ...........43
- Legal suicide ..........44
- Truth ..........44
- Allegiance and protection ..........45
- Repentance and forgiveness ...........46
- Request ...........47
- Why do we covenant? ...........48
- God's Amen ...........52
- Prayer-glorification ............53
- Reaching out ............54
- Marital Unity ............54
- Lesson-education .............55
- Reflection .............56
- Will-power: what is it, what can it do? ........58
- Experience ............59
- Working life and Stress ..............60
- Christology ..............61
- Chapter2 What prayer will be answered? ........62
- Repent and Covenant ............ .....63
- Humble request with pledge ..................64
- Dismissal of entangled relationship ................65
- Happy relationship with commitment ................66
- Faithful submission with reservation ................66
- Release from bondage ................67
- Authority if you are meek ................67
- Confession & healing ................68
- Chapter 3 What prayer will not be answered? .............71
- What is life journey like ................73
- Will an ailment that led to death lead to heave ................73
- Sexual flair ................75
- Deterrence ................76
- Beware of distraction ................ 77
- Customary rules ................78
- Offensive and abrasive prayers ..........79
- Does money buy Salvation? ..........81
- Aggressive prayer ..........83
- Vanity and capriciousness ..........84
- Evil mind ..........84
- Inequitability ..........85
- Ingratitude ..........87
- Why was Saul/Paul called: ..........90
- understanding Paul?s Epistology ..........................95
- The Church in Time: Jurisprudence ..........................97
- Chapter 4 Medicinal prayer ..........99
- Zealous expectation ..........99
- Repentance ..........100
- The sword of Justice ..........101
- Inter-locking judgment ..........101
- Fruitful endurance ..........102
- Covenanted life ..........103
- Be yourself and do it yourself ..........108
- Chapter 5 The power of prayer ..........109
- Law of Prayer ..........109
- Prophet Elijah?s Prayer ..........110
- Jesus' Prayers ..........111
- Learning to pray ..........112
- Learning telepathy ..........112
- Learning to matriculate prayer into monitorable force .......113
- What does a good guardian do? ................113
- Chapter 6 The redemptive prayer ................ 114
- Conduct ................114
- Miracle ................117
- The Roving Ambassador ................118
- Unbelief ................118
- Under-rating ................119
- Faith and Fate ................121
- Faith,poverty and abundance ................121
- Beware of Doubt ................123
- Indecision ................124
- Wasted opportunity ................125
- Sorrow ................126
- Chance ................126
- Joy or Sorrow: a choice ................128
- Mistake often teaches something ................131
- Chapter 7 Salvation unto the just ................134
- Where do you look for salvation ................134
- The five salvation points ................138
- Tatamentum ................140
- Chapter 8 God in prayer ................141
- Rules of prayer: Practical Approach ................147
- Chapter 9 Evidence-answered prayer ................148
- What did I prayer for? ................148
- Chapter 10 Testimony reinforces faith ................154
- Why does God allow evil people to live? ................156
- Chapter 11 Heaven on earth ................161
- May your will be done: covenant in time ................161
- Terms and condition to honour covenant ................162
- Six key stage preparations ................163
- Defence of moral justice ................175
- Learning culture ................175
- Representing Jesus with object ................176
- Self-healing ................177
- Salvation And Healing ................178
- Review ...............181
- Chapter 12 Let us pray ................182
- I will pray; I will pray; I will pray (song) ................182
- A day to live: try to own it in full ................185
- Self-examination with the 10 Commandments ................183
- Declaration of faith (amended) ................186
- The Lord?s Prayer (amended) ................186
- The Lord is my Shepherd (amended) ................188
- Message: 9 Days with Jesus ................188
- Prayer before the Crucifix ................189
- Prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel ................189
- Becoming vessel for the Lord work (St. Francis) ................189
- Prayer for forgiveness (Manasseh amended) ................190
- Deliverance Prayer (Alex amended) ................192
- Pray for Blessing (Jabez amended) ................193
- Prayer to St. Joseph ................193
- Prayer to our Blessed Mother ................194
- Prayer to dad and mum ................194
- Prayer to Patron Saint ................194
- Prayer to Children ................195
- Surrender to the Almighty God (Psalm 91 amended) ................196
- Take stand with Justice ................197
- Liberation from evil ................197
- Discharging evil ................198
- Spiritual empowerment ................199
- God is enough for me(Ps.4 amended) ................199
- Moving with the Lord; Moving the World (song) ............201
- Chapter 13 Why do people suffer? ................202
- Lent and Passion ................202
- Labouring correctly ................203
- Measuring Evolution and Jenerational output ................203
- The Conquest of Death ................210
- Accountability ................212
- Use of Psalms (elective) ................213
- Theodicy: Take Nature with you ................215
- Retirement ................216
- Abuse of Nature ................216
- Healthcare: Prostate And Urethral Diseases ................217
- Breast Cancer ................219
- Colon Cancer ................222
- Treatment of Sin ................227
- Chapter 14 Conclusion ................229
- Generational Faith ................237
- Buried with Honour ................238
- Everlasting legend ................239
- Acknowledgment ................241
- 15.Epilogue ................244
- Did we Forsake God? ................244
- Master of Intrigues & Manipulations ................252
- How was Jesus raised ................252
- 16.Epistemology ................255
- This book is not assuming that you cannot pray but that making answerable prayer requires a lot of preparation. The aim of the book is to prepare you to make answerable prayer. The primary aim is not the "prayer" (act) but the "Prayer" (actor). The Prayer is one, who prays. His mood, state, manner, clarity, specificity and purity of conscience determine the outcome of his prayer. This book is concerned with private sowing into one's life. Prepared (fasted privately) and worked in the public such that people marvelled at Jesus' practice. If the new era requires preparation for what will happen, this book is about grooming and producing ambassadors of faith in God. If my church is the word of God, learning to pray is an art that helps me to manage my prayer effectively. Where does the word of God have effect? Most certainly it is in my mind and wherever I am, it is my mind that is most required in worshipping God. Consider attending the temple since 437BC and what the world became from it. As you go through this book, watch what triggered relationship between God and some people mentioned herein. They were not roaming souls but people who heard and tried what they heard and believed. This book lays foundation in your mind to trigger such hidden talent in you that would bring you nearer to your Creator "the ever-running spring".
Like going to churches, some people have been searching for "that very prayer", which once said, automatically opens the gates of favours to them. Of course, such prayers exist (see chapter 11) but has path to it. In 1994, I researched: The Future of Nigeria and detailed the path to happier nation; chapter 9 of it detailed financial prosperity. Guess what happened, the government jumped chapters 1-8 (preparations) to chapter 9. Without preparation, did it gain by jumping? If God exists, there is a path to him. What this book is trying to do is: produce such unique souls as Moses and Jeremiah, who though stammers were able to communicate with God.
- Divine Alert
- 2018-09-02 21:06:31
- Just about time to. We are heading for "Rapture" the signs are all about us. What you can not see it? Just open your eyes. Fabian has done a very good work
- Divine Alert
- 2018-09-07 14:41:12
- This book is indeed very apt and about time someone took the courage to dispell this nonsensical attitude in naming our children. Who in all honesty would want to called their son "Pimp" or daughter "Golddigger". Enough said.
Brilliant Eugenia tell them as it is.
- Divine Alert
- 2018-09-02 21:07:01

Fabian N. Ukaegbu was born in Eastern Nigeria. He received his basic education there before travelling to the United Kingdom for further education. He qualified in Marketing, Management, Accountancy and International Relations/Diplomacy. He worked for six and the half years as a Consular Officer in the Nigeria High Commission in London and has worked also as a finance officer for 14 years with the London Borough of Hackney.
He is a prolific writer as indicated by the titles below